Fellowship Tracks

约翰霍普金斯大学在推荐十大正规网赌平台护理方面享有卓越的国际声誉, research, and teaching.  我们培养临床医师、医师科学家和临床医师教育家. The fellowship program offers 4 training tracks, and these tracks can be modified depending on your career goals. 

  • Clinical/Epidemiological Investigation  
  • Clinician Educator  
  • Basic Science
  • Clinical Practice

Additional Tracks


Glomerular Diseases Fellowship

The complexity of glomerular disease management, in combination with the relative rarity of these conditions, 需要全面和综合的培训,以发展有影响力的肾病学家与所需的技能,以推进护理这些疾病的患者. 这个为期1年的奖学金包括肾小球疾病护理和研究的多学科培训经验, immunology, renal pathology, infectious diseases, rheumatology, and immunomodulatory/immunosuppressive medication use. The Johns Hopkins University is the nation's leader in research funding, 该研究员将有机会获得无与伦比的科学资源进行学术研究,包括肾病精准医学卓越中心. 从一个活跃的临床试验项目到全国领先的公共卫生学院, Johns Hopkins is a leader in patient care, research, and education.

Candidate prerequisites:

  • Completed an internal medicine residency program that is ACGME-accredited, an AOA-approved residency program, 获得ACGME国际(ACGME- i)高级专业认证的课程, 或加拿大皇家内科医生和外科医生学院(RCPSC)认可或加拿大家庭医生学院(CFPC)认可的加拿大住院医师计划.
  • Prior to appointment in the glomerular diseases fellowship, 研究员必须完成acgme认可的肾病学奖学金培训计划.
  • Applicants with US work authorization (J1, H1B, etc.) are eligible to apply.

Application materials:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • 推荐信3封(1封来自普通肾脏病奖学金项目主任)
  • Personal statement

Please send application materials to Ms. Terri Hennel at [email protected]. Inquiries should be directed to Dr. John Sperati [email protected] and Dr. Duvuru Geetha [email protected].

Center for Bioengineering Innovation & Design

随着KidneyX的推出,人们对支持肾脏病学创新的兴趣迅速增加.  With support from an NIH training grant, 合格的研究员可以在奖学金的第二和第三年攻读生物工程创新和设计方面的指导课程.

Clinical Pharmacology

In collaboration with the Division of Clinical Pharmacology, fellows interested in clinical trials, drug development, treatment optimization, rational therapeutics, or pharmaco-epidemiology can pursue a Masters in Health Science or PhD at the Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Critical Care

In collaboration with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), 对重症监护-肾脏病学联合学术事业感兴趣的研究员可以在他们的1月1日期间申请约翰霍普金斯大学肾脏病学奖学金st year of critical care training at the NIH.

Global Health

Through support from the Fogarty Global Health Fellowship,奖学金获得者可申请资助一个国际年rd year of fellowship to pursue global health training. 此外,非美国居民和来自重点国家的研究员可能有资格获得支持.